It is a magical moment to arrive on Bora Bora for the first time. Bora Bora is widely regarded as the most beautiful place on earth:
The airport ferry drops visitors to the main island of Bora Bora off at this dock. In the background, the mountain peaks are currently fogged in near the top:
Our lodging in Vaitape had this outstanding view of Mount Pahia. We could see the peaks from our balcony:
Mount Ohue (2,031 feet) is the left side peak and Mount Pahia (2,169 feet) is the right side peak. The two peaks are connected by a ridgeline and saddle:
Signs advise hikers that due to safety issues, it is highly recommended to hire a qualified tour guide for the Mount Pahia summit climb:
Hiking down a quiet residential road in Vaitape toward the base of the mountain:
At 6:20am, sunlight was blocked by the mountain but filtering over into our area through the clouds. This is not a hike to undertake later in the day in intense sun and heat:
Notice the headwall beneath Mount Ohue (left) and Mount Pahia (right). Looking up from here, I wondered how it would be possible to reach the summit:
Zooming in on the summit of Mount Pahia. The summit was slightly fogged in. I could only hope that all of the clouds would clear before we arrived at the top:
Our last view of the peaks for the next couple of hours as we entered into the jungle:
There were numerous fruit trees including bananas throughout the residential backroads:
This spot is the gateway to the beginning of the trail. It is well disguised, but the trail begins directly through this brush:
The trail is very faint at the beginning, especially as leaves fall down and cover it:
This 100-year-old mango tree is an impressive sight early in the hike. This tree has been alive longer than any hiker who will ever attempt this trail:
The next two pictures show how you have to duck down at times and push your way through branches and brush to continue:
This is the first of many steep rope climbs on the hike. Here, the climb is up a mossy and slippery slab of rock:
Almost one hour into the hike, I had already ditched my shirt due to excessive sweating from the island humidity. Hydration is a real key on this hike because you lose water quickly:
View looking back down the rope climb after reaching the top:
We were still hiking in the shade of the early morning:
Notice the steepness of the hiking terrain in the next two photos. We would use roots, branches, and whatever else we could find to help us climb up:
A break in the canopy allows Josh to get a view of Vaitape and the lagoon far below:
This first good view came about 1 hour and 45 minutes into the hike:
The main ferry dock in Vaitape can be seen at the bottom center. Across from Vaitape, Motu Toopua is visible:
There were more rope climbs as we continued the steep ascent of the mountain:
Matira Point is just behind this peninsula which sticks out into the lagoon. The portion of peninsula seen here is also notable for having the Matira cannons and Bloody Mary's restaurant:
We abruptly reached the bottom portion of the headwall. The headwall is a massive vertical rock slab which cannot be climbed:
The trail continues to the left here as it levels out and follows the base of the rock wall. The hike time was 2 hours of nonstop steep climbing to this point:
With the hanging vines, views, and abundant greenery, I found this to be one of the most beautiful spots along the trail:
Our hiking guide pointing out some of the outstanding features of Bora Bora's lagoon:
After circling around the mountain to the north along the base of the headwall, another portion of the island and lagoon comes into view:
Looking down on Faanui Bay and Tereia Point. Tereia Point is the far tip visible on the mainland:
Te Ava Nui Pass is visible here. This pass is the only entry from the ocean into Bora Bora's lagoon through the barrier reef:
Morning Glory (or Ipomoea) wildflowers were in bloom along this section of the trail:
The grasses became quite tall as we rounded the corner and headed more toward the east:
Passing under high rock overhangs such as this one, you can see why rockfall dangers are high through this area:
This is Bora Bora's northernmost peninsula which extends out into the lagoon:
The village of Faanui becomes fully visible far below:
The trail abruptly turns to the south and begins ascending once again:
Magnificent views looking over the treetops at the motus, reef, and ocean beyond:
The large island visible on the left just beyond Tereia Point is Motu Tevairoa:
At the top right of this picture, you can see Motu Mute, which is the far northern tip of Bora Bora. The airport is located here on Motu Mute:
From here, we entered into the narrow, steep gully which cuts a path through the headwall:
This area is one very long rope climb through the lengthy gully:
Looking back down, we were once again gaining elevation at a rapid pace:
Here you can see how the gully provides a way through the massive headwall:
Now that we had gained some additional elevation, the views were even better:
A perfect view looking down on Faanui Bay and Motu Tevairoa:
As you can see, the gully is incredibly steep and narrow:
However, there is a small cave-like area which provides shade and a nice place to take a break on the way up:
One of the most stunning views from this location is being able to see the heart-shaped island of Tupai located 18 miles north of Bora Bora:
At the top of the gully, the trail passes through a lush meadow. It is at this spot where we got our first glimpse of Mount Otemanu:
Looking due east at the diamond-shaped corner of long and narrow Motu Tofari. Also visible is Fitiiu Point, which stretches out into the lagoon from the mainland:
Zooming in on the small hillside ridge located just north of the village of Anau and Vairou Bay:
One final view to the north of Faanui Bay before continuing the hike:
Past the grassy meadow area, another steep section of climbing with some assistance ropes connects the trail to the main ridge:
Finally arriving on the main ridge. Mount Ohue's summit can be seen on the right, while Mount Pahia's summit is on the left in the background:
Now that we were on the main ridgeline, we could see to the northwest once again:
A higher vantage point of Faanui looking to the north:
Mount Otemanu, Bora Bora's highest point at 2,385 feet in elevation, dominates the landscape to the east:
Looking up the ridgeline toward the summit of Mount Ohue:
Our two hikers following the trail through the grass to the top:
Prior to reaching the top, there is a nice view looking over at Mount Otemanu (left) and Mount Pahia (right):
This view of Mount Pahia shows the knife-like ridge and saddle which separates it from Mount Ohue:
These colorful plants caught our attention as we arrived on the summit of Mount Ohue:
There were beautiful Red Hibiscus flowers blooming on the summit:
Notice how the main ridgeline continues from Mount Ohue to Mount Pahia and then ultimately to Mount Otemanu (which cannot be reached by hikers):
A zoomed in view of Mount Otemanu which shows how the summit is surrounded by vertical cliffs:
The summit of Mount Pahia looks so close from this vantage point:
In this picture, I am holding a sprouted coconut that was found on the summit. My shirt was completely soaked due to the humidity:
Panoramic showcasing the views of Bora Bora to the west from the summit of Mount Pahia:
Looking northwest from the summit, Faanui Bay and Motu Tevairoa are the prominent features:
To the northeast, a view of Faanui village. To the right of the village, a road heads into the interior toward the low ridge of Mount Mataihua but stops before crossing it:
Looking due east at Fitiiu Point and the overwater bungalows which spread out from Motu Tofari (left) and Motu Piti Aau (right):
Zooming in on the overwater bungalows of the St. Regis Bora Bora Resort:
View looking to the south showing Pofai Bay with Matira Point faintly visible at the far back of the picture on the left side:
Motu Toopua is the prominent feature looking to the west. The small island in the lagoon just to the right of it is Motu Tapu, which was apparently the private beach of Queen Pomare IV:
Looking straight down on Vaitape, where we had started our hike earlier in the morning:
Getting a picture with Mt Otemanu and Mt Pahia in the background:
Note the burnt trees as we are continuing down the ridgeline toward Mt Pahia:
Our hikers are checking out the burnt trees and realizing they offer no stable support while hiking. The dead branches are liable to break off at any moment:
A picture of Josh and myself heading down from Mt Ohue:
Check out the ridgeline we are coming down. It has some heavy exposure on the left side:
Looking up at the summit of Mt Pahia, there was a flag blowing on the top:
Our hikers are dropping down a very steep section in order to reach the saddle between the two peaks:
From near the saddle, this is the view looking up at the final ridgeline ascent to Mt Pahia:
Mt Otemanu and Mt Pahia as seen from near the saddle:
A close-up of Mount Otemanu's block-like upper portion:
And a close-up of the triangular-shaped top of Mount Pahia. Mt Pahia is 216 feet lower in elevation than Mt Otemanu:
The view to the south shows the steep western face of Mt Pahia dropping down toward Vaitape:
I stayed behind near the saddle while our hikers attempted to reach the summit of Mt Pahia. They can be spotted inside the red circle:
This picture shows the terrain in between our hikers (bottom) and the summit of Mt Pahia (top):
Zooming in on our hikers, they have reached the exposed rock slabs which block access to reaching the summit:
Climbing the rock slabs is challenging enough, but it is made dangerous because of the 2,000 feet of exposure off to the right. One slip would be the end:
Looking back toward the summit of Mt Ohue from the bottom of the exposed rock slabs of Mt Pahia:
I scrambled back up the knife ridge to the top of Mt Ohue and took one more picture looking back at these majestic peaks:
By looking through the saddle in between Mt Otemanu and Mt Pahia, the island of Tahaa is clearly visible:
To the east, several of the high-end motu resorts can be clearly seen:
Zooming in on the Le Meridien Bora Bora resort's overwater bungalows:
These overwater bungalows are part of the Four Seasons Resort Bora Bora:
And now let me share my two favorite views from the summit of Mt Ohue. First, this is the island of Maupiti, some 35 miles away across the ocean:
Second, this is the incredible view of Tupai, often referred to as the romantic heart-shaped island. Tupai is located 18 miles across the ocean from Bora Bora:
Getting one more picture with my two coconuts before heading back down:
During the hike back, we found this Banyan tree. To see a more impressive specimen, check out the Tree of Life Banyan that is showcased in our other Bora Bora hiking report:
We spent the rest of the afternoon driving around Bora Bora and looking for outstanding views of Mt Otemanu and Mt Pahia. This view was taken from the east side of Faanui Bay:
Mt Otemanu is on the left and Mt Ohue is on the right. Mt Pahia is just barely visible next to Mt Ohue:
This incredible view of the mountains is seen from Taihi Point, the northernmost tip of the mainland:
Taihi Point has views of all three major summits including Mt Otemanu (left), Mt Pahia (middle), and Mt Ohue (right):
Our final three pictures of the mountain peaks were taken from near Bloody Mary's dock on the southwestern side of the island:
Mt Ohue (left) and Mt Pahia (right) as seen from near the dock:
And the majestic Mt Otemanu as seen from near the dock. Be sure to read our second Bora Bora hiking report which covers the Cave of Mount Otemanu: